Rapid css editor
Rapid css editor

rapid css editor

  • Integration with W3C CSS and HTML validators.
  • Compliance with CSS standards and various browsers.
  • Instant Style Sheet Preview with Internet Explorer or FireFox.
  • Syntax Highlighting for CSS and HTML documents.
  • Advanced, fully customizable text editor.
  • Rapid CSS Editor is designed to save your time and make the job easier.

    rapid css editor

    Rapid CSS Editor is also an HTML editor and it makes CSS powered HTML editing a snap. Results are shown instantly using built-in preview. In each case it is easy because of various helpful features, including auto complete and code inspector. You can write the style sheet code manually or let the program do it for you. Rapid CSS Editor helps you quickly and easily create and edit cascading style sheets of any size and complexity. Please note, the trial version can only be launched 30 times, so be sure to make the most of each run.Rapid CSS Editor 2008 Description: An HTML Colour Picker, CSS Selector and Browser, built-in real-time code previewing, a CSS code compressor, multiple item clipboard, excellent CSS reference, and the list goes on.

    rapid css editor

    Like syntax highlighting for multiple document types (HTML, CSS, LESS, SASS, JavaScript, PHP, XML, ASP, Perl and more). Sounds good? And it is, but there's plenty more you'll notice along the way. The CSS Checker and Validator will confirm that everything is correct (or tell you why it isn't), and you can then save files directly to an FTP, FTPS or SFTP server. When the job seems to be done, the CSS Formatter and Beautifier can automatically reformat your code to make it easier to read. And the Code Library comes filled with frequently required code snippets, so you can quickly reuse them as necessary (and of course you can also add snippets of your own). The CSS Inspector will add, remove and modify style properties for you. Auto Complete pops up syntax reminders as you type, for example, helping you remember and write style property names. You'll have to at least start more complex projects yourself, but still, there's plenty of assistance on offer here. Then click OK and Rapid CSS 2014 will generate the appropriate code for you.

    rapid css editor

    Choose your font, font size, various colours and other options, while a built-in preview window shows the results. If the templates don't provide what you need then there's always the Style Sheet Wizard. There are also several HTML templates ("FAQ Page", "Feedback Form" and so on), various samples aimed at helping CSS beginners, and the option to add your own templates for WML, PHP, ASP and other documents. The program gets you off to a speedy start with bundled templates helping create many CSS documents from scratch. Rapid CSS is a powerful cascading style sheets editor that's packed with time-saving features.

    Rapid css editor